Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I got it now you can too!!!

Ok everyone this is so awesome! I was over at a friends house the other day and her kids were watching tv on there computer. I thought that they were on some type of like HULU website, but when I asked I was shocked. My friend told me that they were getting TV channels from all over the world on their computer now and it wasn't costing her anything. All she did was visit some website, bought the program and downloaded it to her computer.
Well, I love to save money and figured I would give it a try. I went to www.makemoremoneysite.com and read it over. I was given a 60 day money back gaurentee so I said what the heck. I have to tell you for the $50.00 lifetime membership fee this product rocks. I can watch my favorite programs in real time or later if I miss them. The best part is that I was able to get rid of my satelite, and save $75.00 a month.
I know times are tough and money is tight, but this is a good investment. I don't even have to worry about the digital conversion.

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